New Beginnings

Well as everyone knows, today is the last day of 2013, and in these last few moments of the year, I look back and think how much I’ve accomplished. There’s is so much that I have done without even realizing it. There is so much that happened that I haven’t even thought twice about it. It’s really funny how we realize all that has happened in a year on the last day of the year. Most importantly, looking back at 2013 makes me realize what I haven’t done. Nobody will ever be perfect and there will always be room to improve, but if you find yourself thinking about what’s different, at the end of the year, and still haven’t improved anything then there’s definitely a problem. See, I am not a person to sugar coat anything and as 2014 begins my blog posts, I think, will become more honest. I want to become a new person, rebuild and reform myself into a new me, so then I can face my fears with a boldly and not cowardly. I’m known by some to be outgoing, but I’m also known to have a slight temper. If anything for 2014 all I want is to lose that temper and be more patient, even if I’m still a coward I rather not have a temper. I want that temper gone so maybe then I won’t be agitated at so many. I think a way for me to do that is to have a jar, actually two jars (I’ve seen this idea on Tumblr a gazillion times). The reason why to have two jars is, one for all my happy moments and once for all my angry ones, and I hope by the end of 2014 I’ll have a million and one happy moments and very few angry ones. SO to all my readers out there, leave me a comment let me know what you think of this idea or suggestions and what change do you want for 2014? HAPPY NEW YEAR!